I appreciate your effort to speak your truth about the Recall.
However, I must also speak mine.
For years, I poured countless hours of my own free time into volunteer work at my daughters' school, Buena Vista Horace Mann. I organized events, held books fairs, helped clean the school, helped tutor students, and much, much more.
When my fellow parent volunteers and I, along with teachers and administrators, complained about the dire conditions at BVHM, you ignored us. When Latina Moms spoke in Spanish through tears at school board meetings, you ignored us. When we filed multiple Williams Complaints, you ignored us.
The desperately needed facility upgrades to BVHM should have begun immediately after the 2016 Prop A bond passed. Instead, it took a member of the Board of Supervisors to compel the Board of Education to do its job. Do you have an explanation for the Board's failure in this regard?